From stackoverflow:
Yes, you wouldn't need to use in-app purchases for this. Apple calls them "Person-to-Person Services." From the review guidelines:
.3(d) Person-to-Person Services: If your app enables the purchase of realtime person-to-person services between two individuals (for example tutoring students, medical consultations, real estate tours, or fitness training), you may use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments. One-to-few and one-to-many realtime services must use in-app purchase.
It looks like catilina support is dropped for 14.5?
This problem is still occurring in Xcode Version 14.0.1 (14A400).
The context is a button that's pressed to exit a view that is controlled with:
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $settings.showWorkout)
Wrapping it in DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter made no difference.
I honestly have no idea what's wrong with this or how it can be done differently.
It doesn't seem to cause any harm. Will an app be rejected with these kinds of warnings?
For me, it was the cable. I tried a different cable, and it worked.
The answer was to set the audio session to duckmode. Before using the speech synthesizer I set the session to duck mode and then I set it back to mixed mode after. This causes music played through musickit to lower in volume.
It doesn't work with AVAudioPlayer, so for music I play through AVAudioPlayer I still have to lower the volume while the synthesizer is playing.
It also doesn't work well when musickit is playing, the synthezier is playing, and there's a sound effect playing through AvAudioPlayer. There's no way for the session to be configured correctly.
func setDuckMode() {
do {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(false)
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(
mode: .default,
options: [.duckOthers])
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
} catch {
print( "Could not init sound duck. \(error)")
This is how I did it in a class, not in a view:
var queueObserver: AnyCancellable?
let musicPlayer = ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared
if queueObserver == nil {
queueObserver = musicPlayer.queue.objectWillChange
.sink { [weak self] in
return musicPlayer
private func queueDidChange() {
// When we get this event, the song hasn't actually changed yet so we try a little later.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2.0, execute: {
NowPlaying.shared.setSong(self.musicPlayer.queue.currentEntry?.title ?? "Unknown")
Does not appear to be fixed in the simulator.
I get that quite a lot. Try turning off your vpn. Also, deleting and reinstalling the app seems to help.
One is that you aren’t actually providing all the timeline entries you think you are.
That was my first thought, but I triple checked. There were entries for everyday of the week on the timeline, but on Tuesday it was displaying the entry for Monday. It was only when I deleted the Monday entry that it displayed Tuesday. I display the full date in the widget for debugging purposes, and it is indeed Monday.
I "fixed" it by just looking at the current date and time when displaying my small day widget, regardless of the passed in value.
f you want it to show correctly you need to make sure the time is zeroed out to midnight For your entries.
Sorry, I don't understand what that means. Entries are Mon-Fri at 3PM, for example.
After trying all the suggestions multiple times, none worked. It's like with the VPN on it doesn't even see the phone. I use Nord VPN. I haven't tried another VPN. But turning the VPN off makes it work again every time.
I'm getting this same thing now with SwiftData. It just popped up out of nowhere.
I've deleted the app several times. I've deleted derived data several times and rebooted.
Just adding a name to the config didn't help.
Nothing has fixed it. Any other ideas on what to do?
For anyone coming in 2024, I found this helpful. You do have to add the simulator runtime as suggested, but that's not enough to add it as a run destination. For that, you need to:
Came here to add something important. I experienced this problem in Xcode 15.4 - wasn't able to select iPhone 8 Pro as a simulator destination because it didn't appear in the list. In order to get it to show in the selectable list, you have to set the 'Minimum Deployments' target to 16.4 or 15.0 for iPhone 8 Plus.
For days universal links did not work for me.
I noticed in Settings -> Developer -> Universal Links -> Diagnostics -> URL that when I entered my link, it validated, but returned an ID different than my team ID. Why, I don't know.
But when I changed the id in .well-known/apple-app-site-association to this id, the links immediately worked.
Editing the app store localisation cause the submit button to light up again for me.